The West gets a lot right and wrong about the role of women in Islam. Brush up on the basic facts here. The word stands for one who submits to God. It goes without saying that Muslims are expected to fully submit themselves to Allah. Christians have their Bible while Muslims have their Holy. What you need to know about Islam. I am a seeker of knowledge with the aim of reminding the Muslim Community of the words of ALLAH. PURPOSE OF TEACHING OF ISLAM WEBSITE. Let me reiterate what I said earlier about my goal for creating teachingofislam. com so you know what to expect by reading the sites content. The point of view of Islam about women is not what all people thought to be. In the early times when there is not yet the Islam, there is the view that women are evil and sp others have viewed this as really true and associated it with Islam. Dear Ali Sina, Thanks to you and your extremely informative and logical articles, I am finally convinced that Islam is a fake religion that MuhamMAD made up to gain power, women and wealth. You do not need to know Arabic but you do need to understand the meaning of the sura you are repeating everyday for prayers. If you can find Awliya mentioned in Qur'an you will be able to learn it properly. Everyone who starts reading or studying Qur'an is not neutral infact they judge Quran. Identity, Life 20 cool things you should know about Islam When an intolerant neighbor shakes a Bible at me and shouts that Jesus loves me, I can just nod my head. To know more about some of the benefits in converting to Islam, you may read this article The Benefits of Converting to Islam (3 parts). How to Convert to Islam The Testimony of Faith ( Shahada ) You cannot understand much of what is taking place in todays world without some understanding of Islam. This religion is at the heart and core of much of the unrest and violence sweeping the world today. Everything you need to know about Islam and Muslims is right here at your fingertips. The You in the title of the book, is obviously the American Christian who values his or her faith as based on the Holy Scriptures, and who needs help to properly engage in missions. 5 Things About Islam You Should Know. Before we begin, let's get one thing straight: Muslim and Arab are two different things. Islam is a fastgrowing religion, especially in the Western world. Christians increasingly need to be aware of Islam and, most importantly, how to engage its adherents with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here are 10 things I learned about Islam during my 20 years as a missionary in a Muslimmajority. What You Need to Know About Islam and Muslims is an book about the Islam. Written in simple language, this book describes to Christians the story of Islam and the Muslim people, and their aggressive plans to establish Islam in every culture. vi What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims Or perhaps someone you know, maybe even someone in your own family, has decided to embrace Islam. If so, this book is meant for you. Its purpose is to set forth the Islamic concepts and beliefs in a clear, understandable manner and then. Islam is the worlds second largest religion and is still growing. Given the likelihood of having a Muslim friend, here are six things to know about Islam. What You Need to Know about Islam and Muslims [George W. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Geared toward both the student and the interested general reader, What You Need to Know About Islam and Muslims is an book about the Islam. Written in simple language Christians need to become more aware of Ramadan as well as the other practices and tenets of this fastgrowing global religion. As an aid in that effort, here are nine things you should know about Islam. Regarding our pages, you are welcome to these pages or add them to your own site, provided that you first email us and let us know of your intentions. This page was produced to assist Muslims and nonMuslims locate pages regarding Islam on the internet. If you are a New Muslim or are thinking about taking the Shahadah (declaration of faith) then please read this advice carefully. This guide will explain the things which you need to learn first. 3 Do not worry about changing names right away So please do not think you know everything about a topic in Islam. The greatest strength of The 10 Things You Need to Know about Islam is also its greatest weakness. The book embodies a clear purpose and is aimed at a particular audience: it introduces Islam to an audience of devout Christians. Islam is the worlds second largest religion and is still growing. Given the likelihood of having a Muslim friend, here are six things to know about Islam. Three surprising things you probably didn't know about Islam and the Quran. This subject may affect you in the near future, so take the chance to inform yourself now before it does. Lastly, you are welcome to kindly forgo all civility in your discourse. Growing up on a horse in the West, keep in mind this isn't my first rodeo. Islam is a fastgrowing religion, especially in the Western world. Christians increasingly need to be aware of Islam and, most importantly, how to engage its What you need to know. With Islam so much in the news these days, more and more questions are being asked about the sacred text of Islam: the Quran. Dare to find a mistake If someone doubt the Qurans authenticity, the Quran itself offers you the challenge to find a mistake in it. And inevitably, after accepting its challenge and discovering that it is Read more. In Islam, the use of force is allowed only in special situations, particularly when the. Everything you need to know about Donald Trump's 'Muslim ban' Save James Rothwell; Charlotte Krol, video news producer 31 January 2017 10: 01am. Follow the author of this article. What You Need to Know about Islam is an outline of the basic facts, each point being a link to critical text. That post includes a link to a pdf file which includes the linked text. That post includes a link to a pdf file which includes the linked text. What you need to know about Islam: words, phrases, and expressions Islam Whether or not you have an interest in politics, theres no denying that there has been a lot of focus on Islam in the news today. From misconceptions to stereotypes and even Islamophobia left and right, it can sometimes be hard to decipher what is true and what is not. Islam, the facts you need to know. Community Those who make all Islam their enemy not only succumb to a simplistic and essentialist illusion but they lack any mechanism to defeat it. Christianity and Islam differences. The basic things you need to know about Islam and Christianity. I slam teaches that Allah is the supreme creator and sovereign ruler of all. While Christianity teaches that God is the sovereign creator. But did you know that Islam has their own international Red Cross charity and they use it only for Muslims. You will never see that Muslim Red Cross in America helping nonMuslims in our time of need. Everything You Need to Know About Islam's Holy Pilgrimage The hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, and all ablebodied Muslims are required to perform it once in their lifetime The Associated Press Everything you need to know about Islam and Muslims is right here at your fingertip. The You in the title of the book, is obviously the American Christian who values his or her faith as based on the Holy Scriptures, and who needs help to properly engage in missions. What you need to know about Islam. I am a seeker of knowledge with the aim of reminding the Muslim Community of the words of ALLAH. What You Need to Know about Islam and Muslims has 29 ratings and 6 reviews. Mark said: Not as cringeworthy as I expected but def written from and to a d Middle East Sufi Islam: What you need to know. Sufism is mystical and ascetic form of Islam practiced by tens of millions of Muslims. But radical Islamists have taken to targeting Sufis in brutal. Poverty and Islam All that You Need to Know Poverty is something having a great impact on the life of every single person living in any part of the world What you need to know about how dangerous Islam is and why there will never be peace in the Middle east as long as Muslims exist. Even the Islamic sword (scimitar) is shaped like a crescent moon in honor of their pagan history. Virgin Mary with elephant dung falling on her praised by the New York. Allah Islam is a very beautiful and massive religion. Unfortunately it also very misunderstood and people have many misconceptions about it. There is much, much to say about Islam but I have briefly put together the main facts about it and I hope Various aspects of taxation in Islam such as the amount and sort of tax a government should impose on its people has been debated on and caused many 9 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Converting to Islam. You'll need to remove your rosecolored glasses for this one. Yes, Islam is about the Unity of God and the unity of humanity. Factsheets: What You Need to Know About Islam, Muslims, Islamophobia. In an era of fake news and contested claims, reliable information is hard to come. You might try to fit these facts into a simple thesis about Islam, terrorism, and the West. Maybe Islamic terrorism is an existential threat to modernity. Maybe Islam is at war with itself. What you need to know about Islam: words, phrases, and expressions Islam complete cloud 10 Facts to Know About Islam. April 21, 2016; 592; 0; Ramadan grant them a little extra grace while they are fasting! I hope through this post you learned a little bit about Islam. If you have questions or would like to learn more leave a comment below and Ill do my best to answer!