Popular Ghanaian female Television Personality, Efia Odo has claimed her boyfriend has not been banging her even though they k! ss deeply Can someone tell Efia Odo to tell that bullsht to the birds of the air? Efia Odo, a selfacclaimed bornagain Christian said she and her boyfriend are. My problem is, I am not staying with my boyfriend in the same house and place. He normally answer my calls strangely, greeting me and never say bbe or i love you this normally happens during weekends when we are not together. For me, as soon as i would respond to a text from my boyfriend he would assume Im free and call me. That phone call would last a minimum of an hour. and if I tried to get off the phone he would be hurt. As far as my temperament I almost never text or call a female I am interested in or dating unless it is just the most convenient. Can A Relationship Work With Someone Who's Never Been In Love? My passion is writing about love, sex, dating, and relationships. I write based on my own personal experiences and those that I relate to. My previous boyfriend had a troubled childhood, and an even tougher life growing up. Q: My boyfriend is perfect, except he has never taken me out to eat, has never offered to pay for anything and never gives me things. I always give him gifts and would love if he would just offer. My boyfriend is 43 and tells me that he never feels horny, it's always me who initiates sex between us. People express love in different ways. My ex used to love to cook me stuff and buy me gifts. I really wanted affection and sex. We kind of have to learn to appreciate the love we're getting and to ask for whatever else we want andor need. Is your My boyfriend and I have been together for a year, but our social media has no indication of our relationship. He doesn't feel comfortable posting about me but posts about all other aspects and. Gradually my friends started noticing something was off, but they never knew how bad it was. With my boyfriend now checking my text messages and hovering over me when I was with my friends, I. In todays video Ryan and I played 'never have I ever we had so much fun filming this video and I hope you enjoyed watching it, don't forget to My boyfriend and I have been together for two years now and hes a great guy who really cares. However, my boyfriend shows no affection which has been pushing me so far away. He used to kiss me but not often and never tongue kissed. The Real Reason My Boyfriend Never Wants to Have Sex With Me. He just doesn't feel like having sex, but I stay because I know it's not his fault. Paul McNiff Psychotherapist Relationship Coach Home Dating Help Tips Should I Break Up with My Boyfriend Quiz Should I Break Up with My Boyfriend Quiz My boyfriend is a wonderful person but he never wants to do anything. We either hang out at his apartment or mine. We live in a big city and there is a lot to do but he just prefers staying in. Add to favorites 1 2 3 in page: 20 50 100. 154 Sent via Vinted mobile app! My boyfriend and I have been going out for about 2 years and I love him to death but he doesn't take me out! My Facebook feed is full of cute, happy couples going to baseball games, going to different barsrestaurants, to amusement. My boyfriend never apologizes and knows that Im hurt from what he said or did and that refusal to apologize its so painful its hard to just ignore. LifeLongLearner11 I know this is an old article, but I disagree with the advice given. I'm 24, my boyfriend 23, we are not unhealthy, and have been together for 8 years now. I've tried literally everything to help the issue; be it trying to help him want sex or to try and want it less for myself, but sadly nothing works. Gurl 101 7 signs you need to buy a new bra. Gurl 101 i love my boyfriend but weve only met online. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by Heather. he never makes any sexual comments or remarks towards me or anything like that so I dont see why my sister wouldnt be okay with him. Hes really sweet and good humored. Im happy with my boyfriend but dont want sex Smell and taste are nonnegotiable; if those sensory provocations arent present you can never create them. Ask Amanda: Why Doesnt My New Boyfriend Initiate Plans? posted on April 24, 2015 by Amanda Holstein. I also never really know when next time Im going to see him, after our date is over. Theres never any follow up plans and Im always the one to initiate our next date by letting him know when Im free later that week. I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. There is no doubt in my mind that he loves me, wants to be with me, and finds me attractive. However, only 56 months into our relationship the sex began to dwindle. I am so hurting myself about the way my boyfriend treats me I mean we been going out from September till April of this year and we never do anything together like how. My boyfriend (call him Frank) have been in a relationship for four years He is a nice guy who treats me well. My issue is that he never buy me anything not for birthdays, holidays or our anniversary or for any other reason. My exboyfriend of 10 months just broke up with me, telling me that he never loved me. We parted on good terms and he wanted to be friends. Things had been going down hill. Get Mastin's Free Training To End Negativity Become Who You're Meant To Be. What My Boyfriend Forgetting My Birthday Taught Me About Love! June 17, 2013 by Nicole Moore 219 Comments. One year my boyfriend forgot my birthday and it taught me a lot about love. I have been dating my boyfriend for a year and a half and we recently moved in together. He is, for the most part, a great guy; I love his family, he has a good job, and he treats me well. I really want our relationship to work; however, there are a few things that I am basically sure whats going on. I can almost bet the farm that my livein boyfriend is cheating. I catch him in lies constantly, hes gone 98 of the time and recently this week alone 3 nights and going on the 4 hes been gone all night with lame excuses why and also hes very defensive. I was doing long distance with my boyfriend for a few years and one year I got frustrated with the same thing, that it seemed like our schedules werent meshing and we never had time. However, once we scheduled one night every week to have dinner and an hour or two to talk, it was a lot better. I am just wondering is this normal? I never ask him but he never takes it upon himself to go down on me. And if he doesn't want to, ask him why? asked under Sexual Health My boyfriend and I has been together for a year and 4 months he has literally never taking me on a date or done anything with me at first he seemed all into me and now as the time goes by its like he doesnt want anything to do with me. Ask A Guy: Is It Normal If Your Boyfriend Never Gets Jealous? Thursday, May 29, 2014 by Ethan Fixell. Is it normal if my boyfriend doesnt get jealous of anything? We have discussed the issue and he always says he prefers to trust me and not to think that something may happen. My boyfriend almost never initiates sex with me. Weve talked about it, but never seem to get to the bottom of why this is. I enjoy being sexually assertive, but want to feel passion from him. It was so hard to leave my boyfriend behind, but it was exciting to see my family after 3 months. I went back to visit and spent a lot of much needed time wi my boyfriend and I have had a pretty good relationship for the most part, with me getting upset with things that he does here and there. the weird thing is that he NEVER gets mad at me for ANYTHING.